Salam sejahtera & Selamat menyambut ulangtahun Kemerdekaan Negara Yang ke-50,
Usia kemerdekaan yang cukup matang seiring dengan perkembangan arus pembangunan. 'Malaysiaku Gemilang' begitulah temanya sambutan kali ini. Sambutan 50 tahun Kemerdekaan adalah satu sambutan yang seharusnya mesti dibanggakan untuk Malaysia dan seluruh rakyatnya. Ini kerana sambutan ini memperingati Malaysia dimerdekakan dari penjajahan British pada 31 Ogos 1957, atas usaha Ketua Menteri Malaya, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dan para Pejuang Bangsa pada ketika itu.
Namun begitu, kebebasan intelek kita masih dibelengu penjajahan. Ledakan teknologi maklumat dilihat sebagai sumber pencetus informasi berhaluan kiri dan masyarakat blogger antara masyarakat kambing yang dihitamkan! Selepas blogger di beri taraf binatang, kemudiannya di labelkan sebagai goblok, selanjutnya dituduh pengecut dan dipondankan, kini telah disamataraf dengan golongan artis tapi cuma diibaratkan seperti penyanyi karaoke yang “syok sendiri” tanpa menyumbang apa-apa kepada pembangunan negara dan segala dosa alam siber tertanggung di bahu blogger (bukan semua).
Tetapi apabila akhbar The New Starits Times mendedahkan tentang projek PKFZ di Port Klang, terkemudian dari para blogger sebenarnya telah mengiktiraf kredibiliti penulis blogger. Siapa sebenarnya yang syok sendiri dan terus menjadi goblok?
Malaysiaku yang gemilang,
Dalam kepimpinan era sebelum ini, Datuk Musa Hitam sendiri merupakan sebahagian dari kalangan pemimpin yang berani menyanggah kepimpinan Dr. Mahathir biarpun ketika itu nadanya amat keras mahukan Melayu mesti berani menjadi kurang ajar! Dan ramai yang melihat beliau sebenarnya cuba membetulkan keadaan.
Malaysiaku yang gemilang,
Kita perlu mentafsir makna tersirat di sebalik pertentangan Tuah dan Jebat dalam sejarah Melayu. Serangkap puisi karya Raihani Mohd Saaid perlu kita renung-renungkan...
Jebat, aturkan satu persatu
ajarkan rajamu mengenal
putih, hitam atau kelabu
tuangkan kembali bisa ular
ke lidah para menteri
ajarkan Tuah makna setia
pada tempatnya
akhir sekali
ajarkan dirimu makna
menuntut bela
setitis aniaya selaut curiga
selaut darah rakyat Melaka
Tanah tumpahnya darahku
the land where i spilt my blood hehe
Muncul juga akhirnya :)
Selamat bercuti yek Deanz. Moga2 kita akan benar2 merdeka nanti.
wah.. boleh kena ISA ni
(What the hell) Apa ke nerakanya @ apa ke jadahnya ! :D
Selamat merdeka juga dan selamat berbunga api..
txs drop..Bahagian mana dalam tulisan saya yang bole mengganggu gugat keselamatan dan ketenteraman awam?
Salam Deanz,
Kami di Sabah n Sarawak, ada juga suara2 sumbang yg keberatan menerima 31 Ogos sbg tarikh kemerdekaan. Kami merdeka pada 16 Sept.1963.
Bagi abgjas, sejarah tetap sejarah. Namun sbg lambang perpaduan, tidak salah mengambil sempena 31 Ogos sebagai tarikh Hari Kebangsaan utk semua rakyat Malaysia.
setiap kali menjelang merdeka isu 16 sept ni selalu kedengaran..tapi sbg lambang penyatuan malaysia barat & timur menyambutnya pd 31 ogos...
Perhaps I was mistaken when I thought he said she was on this side of the water, I suggested, with bitter, biting irony.. Morland, she intends asking some of her friends to meet us, in case we accept the invitation; and therefore is naturally desirous of a reply as soon as possible.. Leonard is one of the kindest, most generous, and most benevolent of women--she does good in every possible way.. This interesting situation was up for discussion at the Wednesday afternoon meeting of the Sisters' Sewing Society.. Nichols, all the Unitarians; and he thought we owed it to each other that, whenever there was an occasional service at a Sandemanian church, the other brethren should all, if possible, attend.. If I thought that all this sparkling setting of beauty--this fine fashion--these blazing jewels and lustrous silks and airy gauzes, embellished with gold-threaded embroidery and wrought in a thousand exquisite elaborations, so that I cannot see one of those lovely girls pass me by without thanking God for the vision--if I thought that this was all, and that underneath her lace flounces and diamond bracelets Aurelia was a sullen, selfish woman, then I should turn sadly homewards, for I should see that her jewels were flashing scorn upon the object they adorned, and that her laces were of a more exquisite loveliness than the woman whom they merely touched with a superficial grace.. The gentlemen of the jury, said the Judge, with official gravity, will please keep order and attend only to the speeches of counsel.. But sit down, sit down, Uncle Mose.. Babe's a servant, he whispered to Abner, who had sat rigid through the entire performance.. Propyl is, so to say, the mean idea between amyl and propyloea ; it got into the dream as a kind of compromise by simultaneous condensation and displacement.. Babe brought a lamp and set it inside the window, and Mr.. You also make use of this unpleasant state of mind to conceal the wish-fulfillment.. What I come fur, continued Uncle Mose, reaching into his pocket--besides de sight of home folks--was to pay Mars' Pendleton what I owes him.. I cannot leave the question of dream displacement without the consideration of a remarkable process in the formation of dreams in which condensation and displacement work together towards one end.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where one light only was burning in a branch lamp.. I believe, he said, politely, I have made myself clear as between--er--gentlemen, though perhaps not as clear as I should to--er--er--jury.. Their sympathy is aroused, and the following syllogism, which does not reach consciousness, is completed in them: If it is possible to have this kind of an attack from such causes, I too may have this kind of an attack, for I have the same reasons.. The gentlemen of the jury, said the Judge, with official gravity, will please keep order and attend only to the speeches of counsel.. He gave me all my schooling.. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there...
bersemangat nampak! nak jugak tengok gambar Deanz pegang itu bendera.
itu bendera gua pacak depan rumah... :D
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